Why Go Sailing with the Family? Why Go Sailing with the Family?

Why Go Sailing with the Family?

If you haven't been sailing or on any vessel with your little ones, Prima Sailing assures you that all worries are truly unnecessary. Some parents worry that this type of vacation is dangerous, that the children will feel seasick, that there will be too little space on the yacht, and that they will soon get bored. Let's see why you're mistaken.

1. The Yacht and Space

Perhaps the yacht isn't huge, and you won't be able to play football on it, but you can play hide and seek. However, the essence lies elsewhere. Children will quickly learn on the yacht that if they want space for themselves, they need to tidy up after themselves, and they will also learn that sharing is necessary. Since we are on vacation, parents are relaxed, our children absorb the rules faster and model themselves after us, while there are no distracting factors to prevent them from doing so.

2. In the School of the World

Whether we like it or not, our children are still "little sponges" that absorb all the information from their environment. On a sailing trip, this means they will learn at least one foreign language if you wish. If they don't know how to swim yet, they will surely learn. They enjoy jumping off the yacht in 1001 ways. They will observe life above and below the water, surprise you with their childlike creativity, and you will teach them how to hold a sea urchin without getting pricked. Your children will learn to overcome seasickness, eat fish and seafood delicacies, learn how to pack their things for a trip, equalize ear pressure, snorkel, ... and much more.

3. 24 Hours a Day

You will truly spend a full 24 hours a day with your children and have a fantastic time. More than you might imagine at this moment. We are all aware of today's pace, and believe me, all your little ones' questions will brighten your days on the yacht, and you will also learn a lot of new things. Together, you can catch dinner, the "little pumpkins" will learn to set the table and wash the dishes. At first, it might not be up to your standards, but the Robinson lifestyle suits them while parents usually need a day or two more to fully embrace it.

4. Outdoor Gym

The yacht can also be an excellent gym for children. They enjoy turning into "Indians" and hanging from all possible ropes, from which they happily jump into the sea and climb back up the ladder for the 68th time. On a sailing trip, they will show you that they are true Olympians, as they will explore every corner of the yacht and create a racetrack on it, even if you think it's impossible. Their playground will turn into a cinematic leisure experience during your vacation.

5. Not Everything is Taken for Granted

You will teach them that water is truly vital. It might seem unusual at first, but on a yacht, we treat drinking water very rationally and use it wisely and thoughtfully. On a yacht, water doesn't flow continuously because its supply is limited. Children will learn to value water more than a new toy. This is something you will instill in them for life. Small things make people great, and gratitude is something children remember sooner than you might think.

6. Adventures

Their desire for more, their thirst for adventure and mischief drives them to discover new things and remain fearless, especially when they are with their parents, whom they trust and know they are safe with. They might come into contact with a jellyfish that will leave a lifelong mark, they will be able to observe dolphins and octopuses that most only see on TV, perhaps a crab will "hang" on their finger, they will snorkel in the glow of the sunset, and more, ...

Are you still in doubt that sailing isn't for the family? Your children will be eternally grateful for this experience of fearlessness, independence, and openness. Together, you will discover new wonderful destinations and places, swim in the world's most beautiful bays, dine under the open sky of countless stars, and best of all, you will spend a lot of time together, without the internet, television, and other distractions, and thus become even more connected as a family.

If you also wish to embark on a yacht for unforgettable adventures with your loved ones, write to us HERE.

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