About us About us

About us

About us


We are a young company based in Slovenska Bistrica. We have been engaged in nautics since 1997, but at that time, this was just a hobby, vacation sailing and trips along the Adriatic coast.

The desire for new challenges, nautics and hanging out with the sea has led us to establish the company Vemsa d.o.o. in 2013.


Many years of experience, skills and the knowledge of the nautical field called charter - the rental of vessels have driven us to new challenges and we have decided to expand our activity in the nautical agency PRIMA SAILING - RENTAL OF VESSELS, CHARTER AGENCY and in addition to renting out our own vessels, we also started with the agency marketing of vessels of other charter providers along the Adriatic. Our offer will initially include the area of the Slovenian and Croatian Adriatic Sea.

Our goal is to work with those charterers and providers who engage in this part of the tourist activity professionally and know that they will work in the long run so that the nautical enthusiasts will be happy to return.

The offer is enormous, but know that we will find the best one for you.

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Our Team

Meet our team. We are at your service.

Samo Brbre

Samo Brbre


Eva Brbre

Eva Brbre


Vesna Kidrič

Vesna Kidrič



If you sailed with us, please leave a review on our Google page.

Vse OK pri charter agency, manj pri charteristu, ki ni izpolnil osnovnih pričakovanj.

Google review
Vraber Matjaz

Po mojih izkušnjah zelo zanesljiva agencija in vedno na voljo za pomoč.

Google review
Matic Šinkovec

Pri Prima Sailing sem se udeležil osnovnega tečaja za skiperja. Zelo mi je bilo všeč da je poleg jadranja bil poudarek tudi na različnih privezih ter ostalih nalogah katere pridejo zraven kot na primer prevzem in pregled plovila.

Google review
Domen Zajc

I've met Samo, the CEO of Prima Sailing, on a skipper training class that he organized. Everything was executed in a very professional yet friendly manner and I would highly recommend Prima Sailing services to anyone looking for either their skipper trainings or their charter business.

Google review
Tadej Krevh

Wir hatten für Sommer 2020 bei Prima Sailing gebucht und waren sehr zufrieden mit Prima Sailing. Alles verlief wie geplant. Nach der anfänglichen Buchung ging es um eine komplizierte Umbuchung. Und Herr Samo Brbre hat uns dabei exzellent unterstützt. Wir wollen für 2021 wieder bei Ihm buchen. VG Eugen Goebel

Google review
Eugen Goebel

Very satisfied with service and support from the agency. Helpful and "not complicated'. They guided us through whole process with ease.

Google review
Marko Sepic

Odlična storitev!

Google review
Borut Valenčak

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